Mindfulness in the Math Classroom

Studies into children that practice mindfulness, have also found a 15% increase in math scores compared to children who do not practice mindfulness. Why is this so? Both teaching and learning create stress and anxious feelings in the classroom. Feelings like "I can't do this" and "I will never get it". It is no surprise that the #1 anxiety inducing subject is mathematics! What can we do to help shift this mindset? Enter Mindfulness. Mindfulness is a why of creating and practicing calm, focus, and sensory directed learning. Why it is important: Mindfullness activities allows students to focus, actually absorb the material, and shift their mindset to the "yet" principle ("I can't do this yet") How to do it: I like giving mindfulness suggestions based off of the senses. 👁 Sight - Look at a cherished photo. Look at a plant or flowers, if any are nearby 👃 Smell - Light a candle, turn on the essential oil diffuser 🖐 Touch - Touch a fuzzy blanket, or grab a fidget toy 👄 Taste - Drink a glass of water, indulge in a small piece of dark chocolate 🏃 Movement - Do a few jumping jacks, dance, do the YMCA movements, take a short walk These technique are immediate and accessible for high stress situations.
Mindful Math activities (available from tomorrow on my TpT store) is a perfect way of incorporating daily mindfulness to lower the instances of high stressors. What are your quick go-to's for creating calm? Check out my Mindful Math resources in my TpT store

Mindfulness in the Classroom: 5 Ways to Reduce Student Anxiety